Imagine standing in a lush orchard at the foot of the Unholy Mountains and biting into a freshly picked, crisp, ripe apple, followed by a sweet, sun-ripened pear. Meanwhile, the mighty Unholy Mountains shine down on you in the evening sun. And this is what Unholy tastes like. An advantage over the usual fruit - Unholy is an 18% reinterpretation of East Tyrolean fruit brandy and can be consumed as a mixed drink or directly with ice. The Unholy mountains, as they used to be called, with their legends and myths, have something incredibly magical and special to us, and this is what we want to reflect in the brand. The little creature that runs through the visual identity is one of the creatures featured in the legends of the Unholy Mountains and King Graukar. We gave the creature from the legend a face and character, and further decorated it with apples and pears. The modern illustration combined with the ancient typography gives the brand a unique identity. The product launch on 1 April 2023 was promoted through a cross-media marketing campaign on digital boards, billboards, cinema ads, social media ads and all print media. It was celebrated with a grand festival in Dolomitenhütte.


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