Care from a depth of 1,850 meters.

600,000-year-old healing water, extracted from a depth of 1,850 meters in St. Jakob in Defereggen and processed into extraordinary natural cosmetics – this incredibly elaborate process makes the Deferegger Heilwasser brand truly unique. The brand was established many years ago and initially sold and marketed only in the Defereggental region. However, the increasing interest in the products indicated that there was great potential hidden within the brand. We were commissioned to give the products and the brand a new look. The special aspect of the Deferegger Heilwasser story is clearly the water from the depths, which serves as the unique selling proposition (USP) and runs through the entire brand with its freshness and honesty, taking center stage. Together with the Deferegger Heilwasser team, we can achieve an incredible restart for the brand and gain recognition throughout Austria and Germany through social media, print, trade shows, and local shops.

Deferegger Heilwasser

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