images/Projekte/Backerei%20Gruber/aberjung_Designagency_baeckerei_gruber_kommunikationsdesign_header.mp4#joomlaImage://local-images/Projekte/Backerei Gruber/aberjung_Designagency_baeckerei_gruber_kommunikationsdesign_header.mp4?width=0&height=0

Have you ever looked at bread from a different perspective? We have!

For many people, bread has become something taken for granted, available at any time of the day. If you look at bread from a different perspective, you will find that it is much more than that. Bread is nutritious, valuable, filling, requires a lot of work, and when it comes from the baker, it is exceptionally tasty. Bread deserves to be thought of in terms of value, origin, ingredients, or profession. “Bread from a different perspective” is the message behind the rebranding of Gruber Bakery. It stands for clarity, honesty, and naturalness. This is clearly reflected in the design of the new look. Good bread is not only about craftsmanship but also about knowing the ingredients, how they interact, and where they come from. The new design and website showcase the different aspects of bread and put the food at the center.

Bäckerei Gruber

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